Luminox field leather watch bands for the New Field series watches. We have generic brands for $39.95 and the Luminox brand for $64.95
Note: These are 23 and 26 mm bands. The sizes of 42 and 47mm below refer to the diameter of the face of the watch.23 mm bands: (Luminox Field watches: 1822, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1837, 1842, 1847, 1848)Black 42mm models 1822 and 1847Brown leather 42mm strap 1827 and 1847Moss color 42mm for 1837 and 1857 26 mm band: (Luminox Field watches: 1887, 1888, 1897, 1881.BO)Black 47mm 1888 and 1881.BOBlack-Out 47mm 1881.BOMoss(geen/grey) 47mm 1897